Open Friday 10am-6pm & Saturday 9am-2pm. Additional dates/times available for larger group rentals call or text us for more information at: 419-806-7186
Frequently Asked Questions For Canoeing
What are the five 5 basic parts of a canoe?
The basic parts of a canoe include the bow, stern, hull, keel, deck, gunwales, thwarts, yoke, and if equipped, the seats. Each part of a canoe has its own function and purpose and all parts are designed to provide stability, speed, tracking, durability and most of all safety and seaworthiness.
What is the most efficient position in canoeing?
Most canoes will run most efficiently when level (no heel) and little/no pitch (the canoe is trim). When paddling straight in a large canoe the only reason to heel the canoe is that it allows you (the paddler) easier access to the water and stroke/body position (although see paddling inside an turn).
How do you properly canoe?
Kneeling in your canoe, turn your shoulders 90 degrees toward your paddling side. Look toward the back of the canoe. Reach your paddle back, and insert the blade into water a foot or two behind you. Push with your top hand and pull with your bottom hand to draw water toward the front of the canoe.
What are the safety rules for canoeing?
Five Essential Things to Do and Know Before Leaving Shore:
Always wear a lifejacket.
Beware of cold-water shock.
Know your physical limitations.
Be prepared for medical emergencies.
Be wary of the weather.
Who steers a canoe front or back?
Paddling a canoe properly requires teamwork. The stern paddler is responsible for steering the canoe, so it makes sense this should be the more experienced or athletic paddler. The bow paddler has a better vantage point to observe obstacles or the best route through a ledge or rock garden for example.
What are the most likely hazards while canoeing?
Look out for and avoid possible hazards such as overhanging or submerged tree branches, a high volume of water, unpredictable currents or a large swell, low water temperature, other craft, marine life or snakes.
Who gets in the canoe first?
For maximum stability in a two-person canoe: The stern paddler should enter the canoe first, while the second paddler steadies the canoe for them. Once the stern paddler is seated, the second paddler should enter the canoe at the bow. The stern of a tandem canoe is generally wider and will feel more stable.
Why is it important to have 3 points of contact while in a canoe?
Having three points of contact assures that your body is positioned in such a way that the majority of your body is in contact with the boat, and you won’t be set off-balance easily.